Cholesterol: What It Is and How to Manage It

Cholesterol is one of those things not everyone thinks about when making food choices. The body needs a little but too much of it could cause some damage if gone unchecked. The following is WebMD’s Definition of Cholesterol:

“Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance made in the liver and other cellsĀ and found in certain foods, such as food from animals, like dairy products, eggs, and meat.

The body needs some cholesterol in order to function properly. Its cell walls, or membranes, need cholesterol in order to produce hormones, vitamin D, and the bile acids that help to digest fat. But the body needs only a limited amount of cholesterol to meet its needs. When too much is present health problems such as heart disease may develop.”

MSN has compiled a list of foods that will naturally lower cholesterol. I have listed the top 5 here:

  1. Oats
  2. Red wine
  3. Salmon & Fatty Fish
  4. Nuts
  5. Beans

To see more foods that naturally lower cholesterol and why they lower cholesterol, check out the link: MSN’s 12 Foods That Lower Cholesterol Naturally

Here is a WebMD’s resource to get information about managing Cholesterol: WebMD’s Cholesterol Basics

Category(s): Food, Health
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