Calorie Counting with Workouts

In the latest issue of Men’s Health magazine, nutrition advisor Alan Aragon gave some multiplication suggestions for calculating your daily amount of expected calories based on how many days you hit the gym a week. For some people, working out every day can have a negative effect as everyone’s body is different. For me, I lost 40 pounds last year just from a diet change and didn’t get much gain from hitting the gym.

So the idea is to take your desired weight and mulitply it by each of the following levels:

  • 0 Workouts a week = Desired Weight * 10
  • 1 to 2 Workouts a week = Desired Weight * 12
  • 2 to 4 Workouts a week = Desired Weight * 14
  • 5+ Workouts a week = Desired Weight * 16

For example, I’m shooting for 230 pounds, so if I continue my current regiment then I would not eat more than 2,300 calories a day. If I were to work out hard once a day, then I would not eat more than 3680 calories a day.

Hope this helps you guys out there!

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Week 10,11, and 12 Updates!!!

Sorry again for the long delay in posting these results. The plus side of this is that now you get a chart with a rainbow of progress spanning the 3 weeks I was slacking. In case I have not spoken to you, we are extending the contest another 3 months by popular demand. Stay tuned to see who the Round 1 winner was!

Posted in Contest

Week 10 and 11 Updates!!!

Hey Everyone,

I apologize for not posting week 10 and 11 results. Please keep sending me results and I will post them along with week 12. I have been very busy with work, commute, and life in general so I have been slacking when it comes to the contest. But I promise from next week on, I will be much more adamant about posting the weights, so please keep on losing and sending your results!



Posted in Contest

Week 9 Results!!!

Looks like we have some major losses this week, Good Job!!! And to those who did not lose much, keep at it! As always, it is important to keep in mind that just because your not losing weight, doesn’t mean you aren’t getting healthier. So don’t get discouraged if your haven’t dropped any weight and pay attention to how your body is reacting to your weight loss methods (IE: Exercise, diet, etc…Smilie: ;) Keep checking in frequently for more info on health, fitness, and weight loss!

Posted in Contest

Week 9 Weigh-In Reminder!!!

Hey Contestants,

Just a reminder to weigh-in and send the results to for the results posting on Tuesday evening. Please have your results no later than noon on Tuesday 3/6/12!

Posted in Contest

Possible Contest Extension…

Hey Everyone,

I have been talking with a few contestants and they have expressed an interest in extending the contest. So if you feel this contest is aiding you in your weight loss journey and would like to extend it another 3 months, Reply to this post by week 10!!!

If we do end up doing an extension, the contest will still acknowledge the contestant that has lost the most weight at the original deadline. The extension would be like ROUND 2!!!

Please relay with a YEA or NAY

Posted in Contest

Week 8 Results!!!


Seems like some of us are maintaining a steady trend of weight loss, and some of us seem to have hit a weight-loss wall… Like I said last week its time to look back at our current habits and re-evaluate our methods of weight loss. Just because something was working, doesnt mean your body wont get used to it. As always, it is important to keep in mind that just because your not loseing weight, doesnt mean you arent getting healthier. So dont get discouraged if your havent dropped any weight and pay attention to how your body is reacting to your weight loss methods (IE: Exercise, diet, etc…Smilie: ;) Keep checking in frequently for more info on health, fitness, and weight loss!

Posted in Contest, Uncategorized

Week 8 Weigh-In Reminder!!!

Hello Contestants,

Remember to weigh yourselves and e-mail for the contest. I will attempt to post the updated chart on Tuesday if I get all the weight in by then.

Posted in Contest

Juicing…The Good Kind…

As some of you know, a few months ago I did a juice fast for 15 days. Within that time I dropped 17lbs and kept it off for 2 months before my will became weak with high stress and “way to easy” access to free pizza. In the end it was my fault for falling back into old habits but after I did the juice fast, I felt AMAZING. I wasn’t tired despite getting an average of 4-6 hours of sleep, I wasn’t groggy when I woke up, and I had a tone of energy despite not consuming solid food or caffeine.

Juicing has gone in and out of popularity for years but the benefits are undeniable. You are essentially extracting the nutrients from a bunch of fruits and veggies and concentrating them into a glass of “often green” goodness. You get the calories you need to function throughout the day and you actually feel full (after a couple days on the fast) by a 16-20 fl oz of juice.

A documentary entitled “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead” inspired me to try this and I found out for myself that its the real deal. Some people think of the documentary as a juicer commercial, but they only say the name of the juicer 1 time and show the juicer label 3 or 4 times throughout the entire 1.5 hour documentary. It really is just about an eccentric Australian investment mogul who was really fat and decided his life needed a change. I highly recommend watching it on Netflix.

But back to my original point, I will be doing this process again starting next week 2/27/12 for another 2 weeks. Another contestant may be joining me on this juice journey and I encourage anyone who is open minded and has access to a juicer to try the same. More information on juicing and recipes are available here: My Juice Cleanse

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Week 7 Results!!!

Hmmmm….it appears that the weight loss train has slowed for a lot of us (myself included). Now is a time to look back at our current habits and re-evaluate our methods of weight loss. Just because something was working, doesn’t mean your body wont get used to it. As always, it is important to keep in mind that just because your not losing weight, doesn’t mean you aren’t getting healthier. So don’t get discouraged if your haven’t dropped any weight and pay attention to how your body is reacting to your weight loss methods (IE: Exercise, diet, etc…Smilie: ;) Keep checking in frequently for more info on health, fitness, and weight loss!


Posted in Contest